Saturday, June 6, 2009

Recent Oldie..but a Goodie

I completed this last summer before I created the blog.
Suspend.  Oil on canvas.  2008.  18X20in.

Oldies...but Goodies

Top Left:  Sophia. Oil, tar, gold leaf paint, ink on canvas.  2004.  Top Right:  Mary Magdelene. Oil, gold leaf paint, and tar on wood.  2004.  Bottom Left:  American Idol.  2005.  Oil on wood. Top Right:  Christ Falls.  Oil on canvas.  2005 (or 2006) 

Oldies...but Goodies

I figured I'd post some of my older works, for your viewing pleasure.
Above:  The Four Madonnas.  Oil, tar, wax, and ink on canvas.  5 ft. 6" X 12 ft. approx.  2004
Panel 1:  Madonna of the Rock; Panel 2:  Madonna of the Fire; Panel 3:  Madonna of the Wood; Panel 4:  Untitled Madonna

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Perspective Problems

Argh! Perspective! 

I've made some slight adjustments, but it feels much better now. Notice how the door is pushed further back into the distance. The painting is still not quite there, yet. I'm ready for a new painting to work on!

Also, this didn't photograph so well. My camera's batteries are running out of juice.

Any suggestions for a new painting subject?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Finished It

Oh yes, forgot to mention...I finished this painting (or more like I got sick of it and decided that it was done) a while ago.


I'm picking up from last summer where I left these two paintings.  I'm calling them "dreary-scapes," based on the subject matter and the application of the paint.  I'm applying layer after layer of washes (pigment watered down with turpentine) on top of a solid base coat.  I'm finding it a little difficult to get the look that I really want; I'm realizing that it may take more layering than I anticipated.  I fear that if I layer too much, however, it will look too washed out. I'm having fun experimenting.

The gondola painting is inspired by the ambience of Eastern State Penitentiary (photographed below).  I wanted to create a painting called River Man, one of my favorite Nick Drake songs, and ESP seemed like a nice backdrop for a gondola driver.  Is this an after-life scene?  Is this a commentary on an inner-struggle? Read into it, if you like. 

The staircase painting is based on a photograph that I took at the Poe House in Philadelphia. Park Service Rangers romanticize that this cellar inspired the burial scene in Black Cat.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I'm Painting Again!

After a two month lull, I'm back to painting again. I'm channeling my restless energy into a brush and palette. Checking out some art at First Friday last night with my very good artist friend Martin Campos also helped to trigger the painter bug in me to bite again.

I'm continuing with the concert series based on the photography of my good friend Thom. I'm keeping this one totally different than the others. The others are very still shots. I want to keep this one full of energy with loose brush strokes. It will be another fun experiment.